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Car Alternator Replacement in Tempe, AZ

alternator repair mobile mechanic serviceYour car’s alternator is a tricky module, because from time to time it is not easy to see if this is the part that is malfunctioning. In many cases our dear customers contact our mobile mechanicsdeclaring that their battery is dead, but the actual reason behind it was, the alternator wasn’t working suitably. Therefore sometimes an alternator replacement or repair may be required in circumstances, once you’d usually feel that it doesn’t have anything to do with the problem at hand.

What is the role of a car alternator?

The vehicle alternator is behind re-charging the car battery while the engine is utilized, so in case there’s a issue with the alternator, there is a big possibility that your car battery gets drained and you won’t be able to start your vehicle. While this takes place, it’s essential that you reach out to Mobile Mechanic Pros Tempe, AZ so one of our mechanics can test your car and find out what exactly needs to be carried out.

Luckily replacing an alternator is a regular task for a mobile mechanic and generally it could be performed in no more than one hour. But keep in mind, if you do not possess the expertise of a licensed mobile mechanic, don’t attempt to do this , since you could be producing a larger trouble for yourself and your vehicle if you are not managing it carefully. Whenever you aren’t 100% sure what has to be accomplished with your vehicle, it is in all cases wiser to call Mobile Mechanic Pros Tempe, AZ so our mobile mechanics can assist you with the mobile auto repair service you need.

When should I replace my alternator?

There are several signs which are highlighting that your car may require a vehicle alternator replacement in Tempe. A particular one of these is when you drive your car and all of a sudden your headlights switch in intensity, going from bright to dim. A different hint could be if there is a strange smell in the vehicle or when the stereo is not working correctly or goes off and on. If the car alternator is no longer able to charge the car’s battery, usually the vehicle battery warning light also appears in your car’s dahsboard. When you experience any of these scenarios, it is very much recommended that you contact Mobile Mechanic Pros Tempe so our mechanics can inspect your car and determine the best way to fix it.

Generally it’s suggested that you repair your vehicle alternator every 110,000 miles, however if you are not discovering any difficulties with the alternator, then there is absolutely no need to do anything about it. Still it is advisable that you allow a certified mechanic do the tests with it through a scheduled maintenance car service.

What is the average cost of a car alternator replacement service in Tempe, AZ?

The cost of a car’s alternator replacement depends on your automobile’s make, model and year, so in the event you require an alternator repair support, reach out to Mobile Mechanic Pros Tempe and our mechanics will be available to give you a cost estimate for this kind of car repair service. Typically it is between $350-450 (also including the components), but as stated above, please check with our mechanics so that we can tell you the exact cost of the repair service.

We also recommend to pick a replacement alternator which has several years of manufacturer’s warranty coming with it. Obviously it’s not impossible to save a few dollars with a lower quality alternative, but in the long run you’ll be slightly better off using a great quality alternator that can function for you for several years.

Who can replace my alternator in Tempe?

We are conscious that it is not the most favourable situation when you demand alternator repair or replacement, therefore Mobile Mechanic Pros Tempe always ensures that when our colleagues arrive to your vehicle, you will secure the very best possible customer experience regarding this mobile car repair service. The most convenient part about it is that our mechanics could carry it out at your family’s home or at your office, meaning you do not need to take your car to a far away automobile repair shop in order to get your alternor fixed.

Don’t forget, Mobile Mechanic Pros Tempe is always there to help you in the event you need a vehicle alternator replacement or another sort of mobile car repair assistance.


We are happy to provide you with an online quote on any mobile mechanic service you need. Just fill out the details and if you like the price, we can arrange the appointment straight away!

#1 Mobile Mechanics in Tempe, AZ

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